/ Client / ACO
/ Year / 2019
/ Book Design / Editorial /
/ Year / 2019
Book design for the solo exhibition of Ivy Ma "As time folds" held at ACO Art Space
/ Book Design / Poster Design /
/ Client /
/ Chan Wai Lap & Ngai Wing Lam
/ Year / 2018
/ Chan Wai Lap & Ngai Wing Lam
/ Year / 2018
Book design for the joint exhibition ofChan Wai Lap and Ant Ngai Wing Lam "Every Tuesday", held at JCCAC.

/ Book Design / Editorial /
/ Client / 概念士多 & 黃曉楓
/ Year / 2018
/ Year / 2018
Book design for the solo exhibition of Apple Wong《彳亍而行》", held at HKSC Concept Store.

(to) a certain extend of insomnia
/ Book Design / Editorial /
/ Client / 概念士多 & Dawn Chan
/ Year / 2018
/ Year / 2018
Book design for the solo exhibition of Dawn Chan "(to) a certain extend of insomnia", held at HKSC Concept Store.

/ Pamphlet Design / Editorial /
/ Client / 概念士多 & 張城
/ Year / 2018
/ Year / 2018
Pamphlet design for the solo exhibition of Linus Cheung《自然悸動》 , held at HKSC Concept Store.